
Those who separate body and soul have neither ~Oscar Wilde

Oscars and Obsession: Keira Knightley Talks About 'Jumping Off A Cliff' For Joe Wright In 'Anna Karenina'

Can't wait to see this film. But Anna isn't condemned for her torrid love affair -- those were the order of the day; it's what the aristocracy did. She was condemned because she was open about her feelings, punished for the impropriety of her honest total immersion. I keep hearing comments that Karenin, the Jude Law character, is holy and faultless, poor cuckold husband. But he would have accepted Anna's affair if she had just been discrete. What sort of a Christian shows no mercy? What sacrament marriage without love? Tolstoy examines his own thoughts about society, religion, and the individual in this work. All center on love, and those are the eyes I'll take to this theatre.

 Read More at: http://movieline.com/2012/11/14/keira-knightley-anna-karenina-oscars/#utm_source=copypaste&utm_campaign=referral


Stoppard's 'Anna Karenina' breaks with convention again

For the uninitiated, Kitty is at first infatuated with Count Vronsky, a handsome cavalry officer who rejects her for the married Anna. The pure-hearted relationship that gradually blossoms between Kitty and Levin "represents the kind of love that I think Tolstoy most approved of," says Stoppard. When latter-day novelist Vladimir Nabokov taught Anna Karenina to American students as part of a Russian literature course, Stoppard notes, "he made a point that Anna was being punished because hers was a carnal love, a love of the flesh. That chimed with my reading of it, too."

The tragic shame is to separate body and soul. We do an excellent job of it. We sell cars with sex. We live on the surface of life.


good intro to the work: http://www.ocala.com/article/20121111/ARTICLES/121109635