
finger on The Button?

from chuck:

I sent this to the Oregonian after today’s article about how “mainstream” Mormons hope to appear. I don’t expect it to be published.
Suggesting that Romney, as a Mormon, is practically mainstream and ready to represent America, flies in the face of what their adherents hold as true. [ Nancy Haught, 4/26] From a Catholic to a Baptist, there have been Presidents of many beliefs, but which of the following Mormon tenets are considered mainstream?: Non-Mormons can be baptized into their church – after death, and married (or “sealed) to another person who is dead; divorced or gay members can be excommunicated; God and Mrs. God – and their ancestors – live on a distant planet; founder Joseph Smith said golden plates, intelligible only to him, told that Native Americans were the lost tribe of Israel [disproved by DNA analysis]; that Jesus will return to found his new Kingdom – in Independence, Missouri; or that sacred underwear (“temple garment”) protects them. Is this the trusted beliefs of the person you want with his finger on The Button?
Charles Ford