
at midnight on the Solstice up in the ruins of the chateau of Montsegur

Cleaning out hard drives -- since I've been posting some of these things, I think this might be shared -- considering what Mr. Breivik has written, said, done.

From: msk...
Date: Tue Dec 26, 2000 3:55 pm
Subject: Re: [Negative-Capability] Millennial Anxiety and Timeless Gnosis
(note: I'd mentioned a website. M's response below is to that. )

Hi, Deb, Yeah, I used to know some of those folks.  A few were great, but I suspect some of them of being crypto-fascistic.  Too conspiratorial, in my experience.  I met a whole troupe (troop) of them (Occitanie-variety) at midnight on the Solstice up in the ruins of the chateau of Montsegur - where I had thought I was vigiling alone on my birthday.  They set up their altar and candles below me as I watched, astounded, then removed their brown robes and stood in serried ranks all in pure white military uniforms around one in the morning!  And when I revealed myself, with joy and bad French, they treated me with reluctant friendship - but stole my film while I slept! 
To me, the base - the root - level of the Tree of Life often informs the rest more than the other way around.
M. (Mary)