
Keep yer Mitts off my tatas!

In response to this article on Mitt and the baby swag bags:

Here's some perspective. Breastfeeding is superior to formula; there's no argument about that, which is why it is so universally encouraged. The proteins in breastmilk are absorbed whole by the baby's gut, which breastmilk cultures, the ultimate probiotic. There's no substitute for what's going on at that level. And breastmilk has the ability to change, to respond as an immune system, protecting the baby. It's dynamic, living.

Producing breast milk is a supply and demand thing: the more the baby nurses, the more milk is produced. It's a well coordinated dance, the whole business -- rather like orgasm, let's say, since I think everyone can relate to that. Put yourself under bright lights with lots of interference, people in and out of the room, poking you, opinionated in-laws. Maybe you've had some chemical intervention (for the birth, an epidural), and your body is taking a bit longer to respond, and, oh those doubts about your ability, your performance. It's the measure of you, as every image of perfected body tells you on every screen and magazine. And, hey -- we know what tatas are for. Talk about confusion, body and soul.

Hello: Rubber nipples or living, responsive flesh?

So -- here comes a brightly printed (professional looking; branded. God knows we must be branded) swag bag of certainty, images of beautiful couples resting easy in loving arms. Plus all that material assurance of what can be seen and measured. Baby, you're getting the best! Hitting up on free formula in a moment of doubt at 3a.m. Well -- the for-profits are counting on that. Isn't the supply-and-demand free market their god? Without a stimulus (oh, the places we could go with this...), the breast produces less milk. And baby is totally confused -- the whole mechanism of extraction different -- but all so much easier -- with plastic.

Choice? Dice is loaded. In cultures without formula, breastfeeding isn't an issue. We are mammals. We have evolved using human milk. That mothers have issues here is a reflection of the role confusion and lack of support we have in mothering.

Love your baby. Breastfeeding makes it easier, is all. It's not about success and failure. Love yourself, too.