
the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement:

The Nation: "NAFTA on Steroids"

"The TPP is an effort to use the holy grail of free trade to impose conditions and override domestic laws in a way that would be almost impossible if the proposed measures had to go through the normal legislative process. The expectation is that by lining up powerful corporate interests, the governments will be able to ram this new "free trade" pact through legislatures on a take-it-or-leave-it basis.
As with all these multilateral agreements, the intention is to spread its reach through time. That means that anything the original parties to the TPP accept is likely to be imposed later on other countries in the region, and quite likely, on the rest of the world."

~The Guardian: "The Pacific free trade deal that's anything but free"

Huffington Post: "Leak Cracks Open Trans-Pacific Partnership Scandal"

Reuters: "Lawmakers press for open Trans-Pacific trade talks"

TechDirt: "Hollywood Gets To Party With TPP Negotiators; Public Interest Groups Get Thrown Out Of Hotel"

Electronic Frontier Foundation: "Background and analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement"

avaaz action: sign the petition