
John Crowley via Lapham's Quarterly

treasure trove. thank you!
LQ Podcast: John Crowley, Part 2The second half of LQ editor Aidan Flax-Clark’s conversation with novelist John Crowley. They discuss Crowley’s novel, Little, Big, on the 30th anniversary of its publication.
LQ Podcast: John Crowley, Part 1Novelist John Crowley talks with LQ editor Aidan Flax-Clark about why the future is disappearing from people’s imaginations and why it’s being replaced by the past.
The Next Futureby John Crowley
LQ Podcast: Competitive NatureEditor Aidan Flax-Clark talks with author John Crowley about Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game, and the fierce competition that arises in both sports and the arts.
Coming Soon: “Sports & Games”On newsstands June 16
In the Midst of Deathby John Crowley