

Community is free. Why not meet at our friendly local cafe and watch the returns together, and I don't have to wear a cocktail dress.

Unless it's about the cocktail dress. But that's what the other party is about: rattling your jewelry.

Last place I lived, someone put a live copperhead in the second floor bathroom of Dem HQ. (The opposition is doing god's work, remember.) Romney volunteers are paid $12 / hr. Their idea of jobs, jobs, jobs. At least it goes to Mainstreet.

This reminds me of baseball, once your kid gets to high school: The fun is gone. Please give me back the why. The reasons we do this, the perks of the process.


"Aristotle, in his Politics, wrote some famous words that have been translated "man is by nature a political animal." The translation is incorrect. If the Greek sage had expressed himself in English, he would have written, "a human being is the type of creature that dwells in cities," or "to be fully human a person must live in a city." Aristotle expressed a common Greek prejudice against life on farms and in villages, and against "barbarians" (non-Greeks) who did not have cities of the Greek type. He shared the general view of ancient Greeks and Romans that only in an urban setting could they enjoy such refinements as economic prosperity and leisure, a good education, competitive sports, music, painting, and sculpture; philosophy, literature, and theater, [...] that the city created, sustained and transmitted culture." ~Kenneth Holum et al, King Herod's Dream: Caesarea on the Sea