
How was I to tell him that I had sung her a lullaby with my mother's voice? Enchantment like that is the oldest form of medicine

The Dream Shaman of Switzerland

Robert Moss
4:18 PM (8 minutes ago)


The piece (above) on the Red Book made me so connect. I was just reading the poem the descent a few days ago, amazed, thinking of alice's bday approaching. We used to talk about 2012 and the hoopla stirring (Fates and steamy pots) about it. "Don't leave us alone with 2012!" I'd beg.

She found that funny. And came through.

Her usual style. :)
The poems, world class. Take my breath, still. Especially the ones

from this period. (Many are here:

http://jungcircle.com/alice/index.html )

That line from Jung --

"How was I to tell him that I had sung her a lullaby with my mother's voice? Enchantment like that is the oldest form of medicine"

My god. Before my mother had her dementia, I sent her a card and wrote
-- "And when I sing, I hear my mother's voice."

As jung would say -- I don't have faith; I have experience.