

Was from Kurt that I first heard the term coopetition: cooperative competition. Smart stuff. I asked him about it earlier on The Fbook:

Kurt wrote: "Seems ironic to me that as the business world has adopted a more nuanced view of relationships between competitors (coopetition), the political world has gone the other way: "either you're for us or against us". My guess is the difference between those two worlds is business is Darwinian: if something doesn't work the company dies and the bad idea with it. Political survival now depends on adherence to dogma: are you for or against gun control, abortion, increasing taxes, climate change, or gay marriage? There is little debate about the empirical evidence surrounding these issues, just politicians presenting how "pure" they are in adhering to their chosen side. Another success factor in politics versus business is the role of deception. A business such as a restaurant cannot advertise something, not deliver, and avoid being slammed in a review. Politicians on the other hand have learned that if they frequently repeat an untruth, enough people will believe them to be (re)elected. This is most effective when claiming adherence to contradictory dogmas: "I support Medicare and cutting taxes and reducing the deficit, unlike my dubious opponent who refuses to accept that you can have your cake and eat it too without buying more flour". Enough blathering for one lunch hour ;-)"

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8:48 PM (0 minutes ago)

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 thank you! I find myself again thankful that we don't have to bloom the flowers or beat our own hearts.

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