

I tend to watch things that capture me over and over, imbibing the story in as many forms as possible. Simply, fascination fascinates, and when it comes, we grab hold back. How does it work, this spell? What is this beautiful sleight of hand? Where did it come from, and what attracted it here?

A current obsession has been Albatross

Tazmin Rafn was wonderful to send me her original screenplay -- amazing storytelling -- and it's been a lesson in craft, analyzing the changes as it moved from mind to page to screen, and back to mind again. It really has a magic in its touch, and not just for me, judging from the reviews on amazon.

So this is a thank you to Tazmin. All good things to you.

(And yes, the main character is played by the same Lady Sybil of Downton Abbey, Jessica Brown-Findlay.)


The trailer and such here. Like most trailers, it's the surface. The story is really about fantasy / reality, the way you play your life. Stagnation. Coming of age. A failed marriage confronting itself... Alchemy: dissolve, coagulate. Raven, peacock, phoenix. Cauda Pavonis...

You can watch it on Netflix. But please go buy it.

Jessica talks dancing and its relationship to storytelling and acting:

Extra Credit: http://www.alchemywebsite.com/alcbirds.html