

In the Kundalini:

 Now as I see it, if you come back down to the heart, to Chakra 4, where spiritual life begins, subject and object are together. Chakra 1 corresponds to 7. The inertia from Chakra 1 sets in when you have hit Chakra 7. Chakra 2 corresponds to 6. Chakra 3 corresponds to 5. You are then able to take the war energy from Chakra 3 and practice self control in Chakra 5. So you can bend things at Chakra 4. For example, through the experiences of Chakra 2, if they are of love, you are really experiencing the grace of God in Chakra 6. You transmute the lust energy of Chakra 2 into love. If there has been no experience of the discipline of Chakra 5, you’ll never get an inkling of what it is you are to be experiencing through the physical [act]. If in your physical love, you can realise that what you are touching is the grace of the divine in its proper form for you, this is a translation of carnal adventure into the spiritual, without the loss of the carnal. The two are together. You are then beholding the god as in Chakra 6 and experiencing the beloved as a manifestation of that divine power, that love which informs the world. ~Joseph Campbell

 In Alchemy:

The Peacock's Tail is the central experience to this process, the point of inner transformation, which arises from a true consciousness of the astral body. We note also that the other stages mirror each other. Thus the Black Crow and the Phoenix are related as beginning and end of the process, but in a deeper sense they are both connected with death-processes. The dying to the senses of the Black Crow stage is ultimately transformed into the triumph over the death process of the physical, that is pictured by the Phoenix. There is a further mirroring of the White Swan and Pelican stages. The White Swan is an experience of the etheric forces in one's being, and this is later transformed into a conscious mastery and outward expression of these life forces. ~Adam McClean